We are pleased to announce the winners for the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference of Hyojeong Academy. Congratulations to all of them!

1st Nlandu Roger NGATU, Alpha Ngansaki KINGO, Luzitu Severin NANGANA and Leon KABAMBA
"Knowledge, Practices on HIV Prevention, and Association between HIV Seropositivity, Religious Affiliation and
Sexual Violence in Congolese Teenagers: Need for an Integrated School Health and Moral Education"
2nd Junhyong Kim, Inho Cho and Youngsik Pyun
"A Prognostic Inspection and Proactive Maintenance System (PIPM) to Bring Snowball Effects on the Transition to
the Circular Economy and a Carbon-Neutral Society"
3rd Prasansah Shresth, Jayram Karmacharya and Tae-Jin Oh
"In-silico analysis and screening of trehalose biosynthesis path-ways in Antarctica lichenassociated Variovorax
sp. PAMC28711"